Beans and Peas

Both beans and peas grow easily from seed and don't mind getting crowed together. We have found whatever the seed package recommends you can double or even triple the amount of seeds you plant.

We planted green, yellow, and black pole beans from seed that have been fun to watch and are now producing a pretty good crop. In the above picture you can see where they have climbed up into the tree. The picture doesn't show very well but they have climbed up about 6 feet.
Here you see what to expect from your pole beans. These are green and yellow mixed. Stay tuned to see what we did with these.
You can see some of the black beans growing in this picture. They are really a nice deep purple color, and if you look closely you can see a pea pod or two also.

We just steam these until tender, add a little butter and it doesn't get any better.
Here is a second crop of pole beans and sunflowers. The sunflowers have a dual purpose in shading and something else for the beans to climb. If you look closely you can see some bush peas, parsley, basil, and marjoram. It seems like it might be overcrowding, but in reality the plants grow better together.
This is the front of the house that gets morning sun with more pole beans. It's a little area about 5' x 2' but has a lot growing in there. Besides the beans there is a cucumber on the left side, peas climbing the trellis and parsley, (second cutting) thyme, tarragon, and basil.

This area is on the side of the house for morning sun. More pole beans, look closely, peas, bush cucumbers, a nice patch of dill, and the big zucchini.
This stuff was great eating. We barbecued squash, beans, zucchini, and a store bought eggplant. All we did was brushed both sides of the veggies with a mixture of crushed garlic and extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt and cracked pepper, then sprinkled some Penzeys 3000 BBQ seasoning. If you have never had barbecued beans you are missing out on an incredible flavor and crunch.

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