Tomato Update

Mrs. Thumb picked a bunch of tomato's today and we wanted to show what we call sun spots versus nice ripe tomatoes. The three on the left were exposed to direct sun and you can see the damage that was done. Remember it gets over 100 degrees here and this damage isn't caused from lack of water, they are just burned from the sun. The three tomato's on the right were either in partial shade from the sunflowers or the tomato plant it's self. We cut the bad spots off the damaged tomatoes and use what we can. Double click the picture for a better view.

Here's a picture of the sunflowers towering over the tomato plants. The two tallest are over 10' and as the sun gets higher they start providing a little shade.

This picture is just to the right of the sunflowers and you can see the baseball sized tomatoes starting to ripen up.

One of my favorites is the Sweet 100 Cherry and they are starting to ripen up also. This amazing plant is still producing new clusters.

DRUM ROLL......ripe tomatoes on 7/2/09....before the 4th of July.

We are within days of getting more ripe tomatoes then we are going to be able to handle.

The plants look great and there is a lot of tomatoes. It appears they are just about ready to start turning color. This is a nice cluster of Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes.
Another nice looking cluster of Cherry Tomatoes.
I am not sure but I think these are Beefsteak Tomatoes. They look so nice in the morning sun.
There are hundreds of tomatoes hidden in the folige.

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